Sunday, May 26, 2013

Withdrawing from Alcoholism and its Dangers

  Alcohol is probably considered the most popular social interaction drug in our society.  Part of it being that it is a legal drug, and also part of it being how it is so integrated with who we are as a society.  What many people do not take into account however, is just how dangerous this drug can be for those who are serve alcoholics, and stop drinking cold turkey.

   Several different drugs produce withdraw symptoms when a user stops using a substance.  Alcohol however, is one of the few well know drugs out there that can actually have a withdraw effect that can be fatial to ones health.  Being college students, most of us have experienced what a bad hangover feels like.  It can make for a horrible next day, but usually for most typical people, they feel fine within a day after they have stopped drinking.  This however, may not be the case for heavy alcoholic drinkers.

   Withdraw symptoms for those who are considered to have alcoholism may experience much worse symptoms then a typical hangover.  Heavy hangover symptoms may be shaking hands, mild anxiety, nausea, and vomiting.  This symptoms usually do not last longer than a day or two at the most.  However, if an extreme alcoholic withdraws from drinking, these symptoms can turn much worse.  This symptoms could consist of hallucinations, seizures, and delirium tremens.  Delirium Tremens cause a fever, confusion, and a rapid heartbeat, and can be fatial in approximately one to five percent of of cases.

    The recent death of the popular artist, Amy Winehouse was believed to be a cause of withdraw symptoms from long-term heavy drinking. Her family beliefs this was the case, especially since there was no sign of other drugs present in her body.  Its amazing to think that one of our nations most popular, as well as legal drugs, can have such a harmful, and even fatial effect due to the withdraw of this substance after substantial abuse.



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