Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Post #2- How alcohol effects college students

Throughout this week we have focused more closely on the substance of alcohol. We have looked at its history and the effects it has on the human body. Because we have focused so much on the topic of alcohol this week, I have chosen and article on the effect that it has on college students and the dangers it possesses for them. This article is titles “Alcohol mixed with energy drinks: Are there associated negative consequences beyond hazardous drinking in college students?” The article expresses how college students are now mixing energy drinks, which are stimulants, with alcohol, which is a depressant, thus leading to hazardous situations that this college students are putting themselves in. By mixing energy drinks and alcohol, the drinker puts him or herself at risks because the mixture of the two are very bad for the person’s heart as well as their ability to make good decisions; which the study proves but showing the heightened risk of unprotected sex. The study that was done showed the harmful effects and hazardous situations that college students surrender themselves to after mixing energy drinks with alcohol. The study took 606 college students and conducted a probability sample.  The study measured hazardous drinking and alcohol-related consequences during the past year. The results that were found that more students who drank mixed drinks of energy drinks and alcohol engaged in more hazardous activities such as unprotected sexual intercourse. Researchers found that by drinking energy drinks and alcohol appeared to be more prevalent among college students. Because of this, the college students are at an additional risk for having unprotected sexual inter course. This has become such a problem for college students because with the risk of unprotected sex, leads to the heightened risk of sexual diseases.

I am glad that I chose this article because it gave me great insight to a topic that I need to be extremely careful of being that I am a college student. 


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