Monday, May 20, 2013

Here today, Gone tomorrow

These “legal drugs” or spice aren’t going anywhere and can just keep being changed to find ways to keep them on the legal side of the law. Since you can get them in head shops many people think their safer than their illegal counterparts, even though that isn’t always the case. Since it doesn’t seem like theirs a way to completely get rid of these dangerous but legal alternatives, I think an option that needs to be considered is legalizing the drugs they mimic, such as marijuana.  There have been deaths from spice, yet none from marijuana and it’s the one illegal. By legalizing it there wouldn’t be a reason to use spice because then you could choose a safer and yet still legal substance. I also believe we need to do more to educate people about these “legal drugs” and let them know just how dangerous they are. We should also try to figure out a way to make these the illegal drugs, to really deter people from doing them. If they are illegal and there are other alternatives, I don’t see a reason why people would still choose to do them. By doing more research on these drugs, maybe we can find a way to know what makes them have an effect on the body and if it’s a certain chemical ban it. By learning more about these substances and making them illegal, and possibly legalizing a safer alternative hopefully we can stop the deaths that can result from the use of these toxins.

Here Today, Gone Tomorrow…and Back Again? A Review of Herbal Marijuana Alternatives (K2, Spice), Synthetic Cathinones (Bath Salts), Kratom, Salvia divinorum, Methoxetamine, and Piperazines

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