Sunday, May 26, 2013

Jazzmine Myers

Sweet preferences and analgesia during childhood:

effects of family history of alcoholism and depression


Jazzmine Myers

A study was performed on children ages 5-12 to determine if one’s family history of alcoholism and depression are related to sweet preferences and analgesia during childhood1. The mothers of the children had to complete the Michigan Alcohol Screening Test. The Michigan Alcohol screening tested for alcoholism and depressive symptoms. There was also a Structure Assessment of Genetics of Alcohol for every biological member up to the second degree of relatives. The children in the study were given a 23 item Pictorial Depression Scale to determine if they had depressive symptoms or not. A force choice tracking technique was used to test the level of sweetness preferred in the study subjects.  The analgesic properties of intra-oral sucrose were tested via a cold presser test. It was found that sucrose at a concentration of 24% wt. /vol is an effective analgesic in infants and children. The results showed a co-occurrence of having a family history of self-reports of depression and alcoholism is linked significantly with a preference for a higher concentration of sucrose. It was also found that increased pain sensitivity and greater liking for sweet tasting food is correlated with depressive symptomatology. This study opened the door for the discovery of early signs alcoholism. If this study is any indication that sweets help predicate individuals with/or at risk for developing alcohol related problems.  This discovery is important because it can help reduce alcoholism and depression in the world.






1.       Julie A. Mennella, M. Yanina Pepino*, Sara M. Lehmann-Castor & Lauren M. Yourshaw. "Sweet Preferences and Analgesia during Childhood: Effects of Family History of Alcoholism and Depression." Blackwells Publishing, 2013. Web. 26 May 2013. <>.

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