Monday, May 27, 2013

Baseline Research for Action: Adolescent Alcohol Consumption in Los Palacios Municipality, Cuba

The drinking rate in Cuba has been among one of the lowest in Latino countries. However, recently adolescent teen drinking has increased greatly among the past fifteen years in Cuba. In the Los Palacios Municipality of the westernmost province of Pinar del Río, Cuba, alcohol abuse and alcoholism have contributed to many health problems.  “Family doctors have identified 571 alcoholics and 7,861 high-risk consumers in a population of 38,786.” 

A study was conducted in this municipality on 109 adolescents aged ten to nineteen during the months of March and April. 67% of adolescents that were studied consumed alcohol. It was found that in areas with limited recreational areas, more alcohol was consumed. Another observation was that young women drank more in social situations than young men. Additionally, beer was the most consumed beverage. However, being the most expensive drink in Cuba, many wonder how these teens can afford beer.  The most concerning observation is that fourteen to sixteen year olds had the highest rate of at-risk use.

This study concluded that drinking habits were already established in adolescence men and women. They modeled their drinking habits after older members in their family. This is dangerous because these adolescents already have adult drinking habits, which will only increase as they get older. Another alarming conclusion is that most parents buy their children the alcohol.

This study concludes with recommendations to the Los Palacios Municipality. The authors suggest having a community workshop in alcohol awareness or a neighborhood debate where everyone including teens and adults can communicate their opinion on the matter.

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