Friday, May 24, 2013

Effects of a Persistent Binge Drinking

A study was preformed to see any correlation between binge drinking and young people. Binge drinking has generally been defined as, "the consumption of five or more drinks (four or more for females) on one occasion within a 2-h interval at least once in the last 2 weeks or in the last month"-Oxford Journals They go on to say that during adolescence the body starts to change through things like mood stabilizing as well as synapsis pruning. The research found that binge drinking during this time can impact the body's natural development. This means things from disorders dealing with depression and even go/no go activity's and even verbal understanding and the ability to develop ones ability to be social with people. Through this study they showed that being a young person who binge drinks does not necessarily mean that that person will become an alcoholic, how ever there is a slight increase in the chances of this happening.     

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