Saturday, May 18, 2013

Week #1 post Sarah Rodriguez-Effects of Smoking Marijuana on Brain Perfusion and Cognition

The article is about a study that was done to see if the smoking of Marijuana had any effects on the brain perfusion and cognition. The study consisted of 12 recreational users in a double-blinded, placebo-controlled study. In the study scientist tested the user’s brain before and after they smoked the marijuana and placebo cigarettes. When the testers smoked marijuana the scientist found that the result was intoxication but not on the level that it significantly changed the person’s behavioral performance. However the person's heart rate and blood pressure did increase greatly. When testers were told to smoke the placebo-cigarette, they did not have the same effects. To the testers who smoked the marijuana, scientist also found an increase in regional cerebral blood flow in the frontal lobes, insular, temporal poles, anterior cingulate and the cerebellum. The study also found that there was no big change in the regional cerebral blood flow or in the basal ganglia or hippocampus; these regions have high density of cannabinoid receptors. The reason that this study was done was because marijuana is the most widely used illicit drug in the United States for many years and because of this scientist wanted to know what effects it has on the human body as fall as the human brain and blood flow. Over all, although the study did not show significant changes in the brain which would severely alter the brain state, scientist did find that smoking marijuana does decrease regional cerebral blood flow in sensory cortices and in attention-related brain regions. This means that although there is no sever damage to the brain, smoking marijuana can alter the brain in the way that it can slow down regions of the brain for a period of time. 


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