Sunday, May 19, 2013

Dangerous Drugs?

Fahad B. Iqbal
May 19, 2013
BBH 143

Blog post #1

The withdrawal of many antidepressant drugs off of many counters in America has exposed many flaws in a system that was supposedly meant to be designed to protect the citizens and their well-being. But the battle over who is to blame for these potentially dangerous and deadly drugs ignores the fact that there may never be such a thing as a ‘safe’ drug. Late 2004 to early 2005, many accusations arose that many drug companies were hiding the release of negative data about drugs such as antidepressants and their effect on children (Frantz, 2005). The public image that these companies once held, had hit an all-time low. So low that film directors are making films investigated the truths and lies about the pharmaceutical industry. A drug called rofecoxib was withdrawn from shelves in New Jersey because this drug was discovered to increase patient’s risk of stroke and heart attack (Frantz, 2005).
Merck, a company that was the manufacturing the dangerous drug, was accused of knowingly selling this dangerous drug. The Food and Drug Administration was under fire for not spotting the risks of this potential drug sooner. David Graham, who worked for an undisclosed agency that produced drugs, warned congress that the FDA was incapable of producing sufficient drugs and that the FDA was incapable of protecting America from these dangerous drugs that companies were marketing as ‘safe’. Graham also named five other potential drugs that were thought to pose a very similar threat to the public’s health as was rofecoxib (Frantz, 2005). Drugs that are older (i.e. aspirin) can cause severe gastrointestinal bleeding problems and are estimated to lead to more than 16,000 deaths a year in the United States (Frantz, 2005).
This brought up a really good point that which companies should be trusted, if companies such as Merck are knowingly selling dangerous drugs that can cause serious illness or death to the public. What is important to America is what changes will be made regarding drug laws and protection from dangerous drugs and how those changes will affect the trust citizens have on drug companies.

Frantz, Simon. (January 14, 2005). Dangerous Drugs? Nature. Retrieved from  

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