Sunday, May 26, 2013

Effects of Alcoholism on Muscle

It is widely known that alcoholism can lead to many changes in human body functions, including the functions of the nervous system, liver, and pancreas.  A study by Limoni and de Arruda focuses on the effects of alcoholism on the musculature of the body and also notes on the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus.  Chronic alcoholism can lead to muscle weakness and even muscle atrophy.  Though not many studies have been done on this aspect of alcoholism, physical therapy can help in the rehabilitation of those with alcoholism.  The study observes the effect that excessive alcohol consumption has on the muscles of rats and the effects that electrostimulation has as a form of rehabilitation. 

Twenty rats were used, split into four groups: a control group, a group treated with ethanol, a group that was treated with electrostimulation, and a group that was treated with both ethanol and electrostimulation. At the end of the study, the rats were euthanized and their muscles removed to obtain results.  The body weight, blood glucose concentration levels, muscle weight, and glycogen reserve levels were observed.   It was found that the group treated with ethanol and the group treated with both ethanol and electrostimulation had lower body weights than the control group and the group treated with only electrostimulation, though the weights of the ethanol plus electrostimulation group were closer to the weights of the control and electrostimulation group than were the weights of the ethanol group.   Similar results were seen with blood glucose levels, muscle weight, and glycogen reserve levels.  The study gives evidence that electrostimulation can help reduce the effects that alcoholism can have on muscles in the body, including muscle weakness and decreased muscle weight.   

Limoni, Ederson, and Eder de Arruda. "Effect of neuromuscular electrical stimulation in glycogen muscle reserves because of ingestion of ethanol: a study in rats." Einstein (São Paulo) 11.1 (2013): n. pag. SciELO. Web. 25 May 2013.

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