Sunday, May 19, 2013

Painkiller abuse linked to depression, suicide in college students

A growing trend on college campuses nationwide is the usage of prescription painkillers.  Throughout college campuses in the United States, roughly 13% of all college students use prescription drugs for non-medical reasons.   Further, the prescription drugs epidemic on college campuses is particularly dangerous because the drug usage is usually linked with other drugs and substances as well.  One half of prescription drug users combine the drug use with other drugs, including alcohol and tobacco.

Non-medical prescription drug use has a close relationship to students who have admitted to feeling depression, sadness, and suicide contemplation.  Further, females have the highest percentage of using prescription drugs.  College students perceive prescription drugs as "safer" than other types of drugs because they have attained approval from the FDA and they are likely to be shared with fellow students due to the stereotype of prescription drugs.  However, this mistaken truth, in addition to the highly addictive chemicals in the drugs, often leads to addiction with these drugs for their sedative effects.  The use of these painkillers provides college students relief from reality and whatever problems they are undergoing at the time of usage, which is particularly appealing to college students who are stressed and encountering feelings of suicide and depression.  Usage normally starts as merely occasional and only used in moderation, but quickly transforms into frequent use and eventually leads to students self medicating themselves, often when they have very little knowledge about the dangers of the opioid drugs.

In conclusion, stricter distribution must be one of the first steps taken to combat the issue of prescription drug usage on college campuses.  Much more observation and research must be done in order to fully diagnose the gravity of this issue so appropriate action can be taken.  More studies to evaluate why non-medical prescription drug begins is also a very important first step to purging this issue from universities throughout the country.

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