Sunday, May 19, 2013

Using Marijuana May Not Raise the Risk of Using Harder Drugs

The use of marijuana has always come with the warning that it is a gateway drug.  By saying this, people often mean that if you use marijuana, the chances of you using harder drugs such as cocaine or heroin increases drastically.  Now, with many states changing their laws on the use and sale of marijuana studies have been done to disprove this theory.  Scientists are constantly studying the effects and benefits of the use of the drug medicinally.
            The gateway drug theory has been based off of a few points.  First, marijuana users are more likely to progress to harder drugs than nonusers.  Second, Almost all people that have used hard drugs started with marijuana. Lastly, the greater frequency of use, the greater chance of using hard drugs later.  Although all of these seem probable, new studies show that those who use drugs may have an underlying propensity to do so and it’s not specific to only one drug.  Also, it is stated that marijuana use starts first because it is much easier to obtain than harder drugs at a younger age. 
            Though the studies do support the gateway drug theory, it also supports the opposite as well.  These other factors of how marijuana is easier to obtain and a person’s personal propensity to use drugs are not taken into account. It is studies like these that are going to help change our laws concerning the use of marijuana and, although taking baby steps, we are moving closer to decriminalizing and even possibly legalizing the drug.

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