Monday, June 3, 2013

The effects of Cannabis on Driving Skills

                Cannabis is a commonly used drug in America.  In fact it is the most widely used illicit drug the United States.  However the effects cannabis has to average person ability to drive have gone under studied.  It is generally understood that driving under the influence of drugs and or alcohol hinders ones driving, however most data on people driving under the influence of cannabis and no other substances as well was limited.  Recently a team of researches decided to see what the effects just cannabis cause to drivers.  Their goal was to investigate the effects of smoking high-potency cannabis joints on skills related to driving. 
                Psychomotor skills were tested in this study through a process called the Critical Tracking Task.  The Critical Tracking Task is a test of eye-hand coordination and delays in visual motor response.  Participants were giving a joystick that they used to control a car simulation.  In the simulation the participants had to keep their vehicle in the center of the street and avoid obstacles.  The size of the population for this study was twenty three people with the average age being twenty four.  Participants were also randomly given placebo joints to be used as a control.
                The results of the experiment showed that smoking cannabis greatly decreased the participant’s psychomotor skills.  Even at lose doses of THC in the blood of participants psychomotor skills were still noticeably impaired.  The researchers saw that there was a decrease in activity in the prefrontal cortex and cerebellum which could explain the decreased motor skills.


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