Sunday, June 23, 2013

Doping in Sport

            Doping for athletes is a well-known phenomenon that goes on in nearly all major sports today.  The article that I read focused on world-class athletes and their attitudes, beliefs and knowledge on the subject at matter. 
            Athletes say that most athletes start using performance-enhancing drugs for their own self-gain.  They use in hopes of improving their own performances, financial gain in their sport, and even better uses such as healing injuries quicker and to stop any nutritional deficiencies in their bodies.  Not all athletes use performance-enhancing drugs for the wrong reasons though.
            There was a large consensus among majority of athletes that doping in the sport was cheating.  They are also conscientious of the fact that it is a risky because of sanctions that may be placed on them or the fact that using for long periods of time can be unhealthy for the body with major consequences.
            The idea of beginning to start programs for the prevention of using these drugs has began to rise, but there is a huge lack in the amount and use of these programs by athletes.  Even with anti-drug use programs athletes still complain about the way testing is done for them and believe that punishments dealt out are not strict enough.
            Now, athletes are much more aware of the effects of these drugs, their uses and the consequences they may have.  I think with more research and athlete awareness the use of these drugs in sporting events will decrease over the years.  Players that use should have greater penalties placed upon them to give a lesson to others that may think about using also.

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