Sunday, June 9, 2013

Cocaine and amphetamine contribution to reproductive inhibition

Cocaine and amphetamine regulated transcript, known as CART is a neuropeptide that implicates metabolic and reproductive regulation. This leads to the possibility that this specific neuropeptide has a role in reproductive inhibition during negative conditions. CART acts as a signal to decrease energy intake and to increase thermogenesis, as well as playing a role in reproduction. This study differentiated CART’s influence on two cells, GnRH and kisspeptin. These cells determine the sensitivity of the influence of negative energy balanced in metabolic conditions. Negative metabolic rates are because of undernutrition or overexertion due to inhibition in the neuroendocrine hormones (Kiss1 and GnRH). Restoration of leptin to normal levels has to effect in the release of GnRH or Kiss1 in rats.

This was tested in rats; these rats demonstrated that CART was in GnRH cells. Oddly, restoration of leptin to normal levels has to effect in the release of GnRH or Kiss1 in rats. Also, CART had close interactions with Kiss1 cells. Kiss1- GFP mice showed CART postsynaptically depolarizing ARH Kiss1 cells. This means that CART may directly and indirectly stimulate GnRH neurons. Two types of negative energy balance were seen, caloric restriction and lactation. CART mRNA levels and CART-ir cells were restrained during caloric restriction (CR). However, they were not suppressed during lactation. Anteroventral periventricular nucleus CART mRNA were restricted during CR, and were not differed during lactation. This particular data shows that regulatory signals of CART differ between models. Also, different methods classify CART as different stimulators in reference to Kiss1 and GnRH neurons. 

True, Cadence, Saurabh Verma, Kevin L. Grove, and Susan M. Smith. "Cocaine- and Amphetamine-regulated Transcript Is a Potent Stimulator of GnRH and Kisspeptin Cells and May Contribute to Negative Energy Balance-induced Reproductive Inhibition in Females." Cocaine- and Amphetamine-regulated Transcript Is a Potent Stimulator of GnRH and Kisspeptin Cells and May Contribute to Negative Energy Balance-induced Reproductive Inhibition in Females (2013): 1-13. PubMed. Web. 5 June 2013. <>.

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