Sunday, June 16, 2013

Reasons for use of ecstasy (MDMA) and its future dependence

While MDMA, the pure form of ecstasy, originally became popular for usage during raves, the use of MDMA is quickly expanding into other environments and social events.  Ecstasy enhances the perception of emotions and the senses, more specifically sound and feelings toward one another, people have begun using the drug under different circumstances than its original popular use of just using it at nightclubs and music festivals.  Since its huge resurgence in the 1980s, people have strayed away from only these events and started using it in other environments where they can still perceive music better and interact with people.  However, some of the users of ecstasy have been quoted for using it for therapeutic reasons, such as using it for curiosity, due to popular usage, enhanced socialization, and peer pressure.

This study, based on random samples from people living in different countries, focuses on these alternative reasons for usage of ecstasy and the effects ecstasy has on people compared to nonusers.  People who experiment with ecstasy have reported a loss of interest in music festivals and the nightclub scene.  This may be attributed to such enhanced effects of the experience due to the drug that it is hard to replicate the same experience after using it multiple times, or even once!  In addition, this study focuses on the beliefs of people who try the drug.  The study concluded that ecstasy use was due to occupational circumstances as well as personal reasons.  This may come as surprising; however, since its popular resurgence, law enforcement has placed a huge priority on this drug, especially among young people because many have not tried it and many do not have professional obligations yet.

Overall, studies have found that frequent usage compared to occasional usage can directly attributed to personal values.  These values include religion and upbringing as well as fear of overdosing on the drug.  This study concludes that ecstasy use, compared to most synthetic drugs, is dependent on personal control and viewpoints instead of drug effects and addiction.  Since the rebirth of ecstasy is so recent, young people rely on Internet publication and testimonies of their friends for experimentation of the drug.  Further, life goals and influence of others are the largest contributor for trying ecstasy and the drug should be considered less addictive because it does not fit the qualifications and characteristics of other, more addictive, synthetic drugs.  More information and studies are required to evaluate the circumstances for trying this drug, but as of now, ecstasy does not seem like a drug that is extremely addictive, due to the strong come-down, after effects and it is not practical to use the drug as frequently as other synthetic drugs.

Works Cited

Comis, Maria Angé Licade Castro, and Ana Regina Noto. "Reasons for Not Using Ecstasy: A Qualitative Study of Non-users, Ex-light Users and Ex-moderate Users." BMC Public Health (2012): n. pag. National Center for Biotechnology Information. U.S. National Library of Medicine, 14 May 2012. Web. 16 June 2013. <>.

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