Monday, June 3, 2013

Cannabis considered Doping?

This article is concerned with whether or not cannabis sativa should be considered doping in sports.  It states from previous research that cannabis is the most widely used illicit drug and that the World Anti-Doping Agency included cannabis in its prohibited list with the claim that it could improve performance in some sports.  The article posits that cannabis could be helpful in extreme sports in order to calm anxiety and improve muscle relaxation.  Its ability to improve sleep and recovery time also seems to make it favorable for some athletes and could be considered an unfair advantage to someone who is not using cannabis but doing the same athletic things as someone who is.  On the other hand cannabis use in sports can be viewed as a negative thing as well, with use affecting motivation and concentration.  The article also goes into the makeup of cannabis, describing THC and other cannabinoids and how they are found in urine and hair of users.  Detection in urine tests make it an easy drug to detect for.  Because of the ease of detection, some athletes who were chronic users of cannabis started to smoke blends of herbal preparations that are referred to as “spice.”  These substances are not natural cannabinoids but are instead analogous substances.  They are very strong and dangerous, producing unknown toxins that are more dangerous than actual cannabis use.  Even these substances create the negative sporting effects that cannabis does, and the article argues that these both these synthetic substances and cannabis do not significantly help athletes in sports and do not need to be considered doping.