Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Cocaine vs. Cannabis-Post #4

Sarah Rodriguez
BBH143-Post #4
June 9, 2013

The article that I found that related most to the topics that we discussed in class this week is titled, “Comparison of Substance Use Milestones in Cannabis-and Cocaine-Dependent Patients”. This article is about a study that was conducted in order to compare the progression of drug use milestones between cannabis and cocaine. The study used 112 cocaine-dependent individuals and 130 cannabis-dependent individuals as its sample size. The study looked closely at the individuals from the year 2000 to the year 2007 and watched to see how the individuals progressed from first time users to regular users over the period of time.  The study predicted that cocaine-dependent individuals would progress more quickly from first time use to regular user compared to cannabis users. The result of the study found that cocaine-dependent individuals who participated in the study were composed of more African Americans than cannabis-dependent individuals. After collecting all of the data the study also founded that their hypothesis was wrong in that cocaine-dependent individuals would progress more quickly from first time use to regular use. The data proved that cannabis-dependent individuals progressed more quickly to regular use than that of the cocaine-dependent users. The data also showed that cannabis is used more frequently than cocaine, which could be a contributing factor as to why users progress quicker.
                I chose this article because I found it extremely interesting. Not only did it directly relate to our class discussion but I was also interested because this article also disproved the common though that cocaine progressed more quickly into regular use than that of cannabis use.

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