Sunday, June 2, 2013

Marijuana Anxiety

Anxiety and Marijuana 

Some people feel a side effect of smoking or eating marijuana known as marijuana anxiety. This is the sensation that the individual is being watched, followed or is going to be caught doing something illegal. However not all individuals feel this sensation and not all of the marijuana that is sold causes marijuana anxiety in individuals. There are some things that can predict if the individual is going to experience marijuana anxiety or not. This often takes testing of the marijuana and the evaluation of the individual who is at risk for marijuana anxiety. These tests determine the chemical content of the marijuana and the stability of the individual who is using the drug. 
Marijuana anxiety is characterized as a feeling of concern, fear or paranoia.This anxiety can often be from the individual hearing noises, or seeing things on the edge of a person's vision. This paranoia is uncontrollable and often has no known trigger for the it. The anxiety often leaves the individual visibly shaken and often eager to leave to the area. They are often unable to handle the anxiety until they are over their marijuana high.
A person does not experience the marijuana anxiety every time they decide to get high either for medical or recreational usage. The anxiety that people feel when using marijuana is very rare. Most people never experience this side effect of the marijuana. There are many people who experience solely the euphoric effects of marijuana. These individuals experience a relaxed and peaceful mind frame. However there are some cases where the individual only experiences the anxiety.

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