Sunday, June 16, 2013

The Botanical Sources of Ayahuasca

Because almost all different plant species contain DMT in their composition in some sort of way, it its interesting to think about why the Ayahuasca brew, which is composed usually of only two plants commonly found in the South American amazon, is unique in the fact that it actually activates the DMT when ingested in the body, to cause a psychedelic experience.

The ayahuasca brew uses the bark of the Banisteriopsis Caapi vine and the leaves of the Psychortria viridis plant to be boiled in water, and filtered for its preparation.  That's all it takes to make this psychedelic concoction.  But how it works is from important functions from both of these plants.  The Psychortria viridis leaves contain the potent short-acting psychoactive agent, N-dimethyltrptamine, also  known as DMT.  However, DMT is not orally active in the body when it is ingested by itself.  That's why the Banisteriopsis Caapi bark places such an important role in this brew.  This bark contains alkaloids with potent MAO-A inhibitors that allow the DMT to be activated in the body.  This is also the reason why people usually throw up immediately after they drink the ayahuasca brew.  However, it is a necessary component in order for the experience to take off.

Overall, I find it very impressive that this brew has been used for thousand of years, considering it takes the function of two different plants in order for the drug to work on the human body.  I am curious to know wether or not these people from South American tribes thousands of years ago discovered this by chance, or if they also knew the individual functions of these plants in order to bring this power psychedelic experience upon them.   It's a very interesting situation in History.

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