Sunday, June 16, 2013

A look at LSD's use in treating alcoholism

                The use of hallucinogens as a therapeutic drug has gained interest in the recent years.  Psilocybin has been used to help individuals who are suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder.  Researches are now looking at using hallucinogens to help cure drug addiction.  A group of researchers recently look at lysergic acid diethylamide, also known as LSD, affect in treating alcoholism.  They did this taking a quantified look of the effects of LSD on alcoholism by getting their data from randomized controlled clinical trials. 
                They retrieved there data by searching for key words in PubMed and PsycINFO like “lysergide”, “alcohol”, or “addict”.  They then read the abstract of these articles to weed out any publications not relevant to their study.  In the remaining articles they only looked at studies that used up to 50 micro grams of LSD to treat alcoholism.  From those remaining studies they then removed any study where the participants had schizophrenia or any other psychosis.  They then categorized the data from the studies on alcohol misuse as either improved or not improved.  They classified improved as clear and substantial improvement in alcohol misuse.  Participants that were not able to be found a follow up were also lumped into the not improved category. 
                The research found that there was a significant improvement on alcohol misuse from the use of LSD in the short term and midterm.  However LSD’s long term effects on alcohol misuse were found to not be statistically significant.   Some participants felt adverse effects during their experiences on LSD and some expressed confusion in the days following their LSD use.  However no long term adverse effects were reported.


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