Sunday, June 9, 2013

Long Lasting Effects of Methamphetamine on Memory Loss

Methamphetamine, a strong stimulant with psychoactive properties, has been in circulation widely as a drug of abuse since as early as WWII. A user of the stimulant can remain under the influence for extended periods of time in comparison to other stimulants such as amphetamine and cocaine. Despite the long lasting high and the other seemingly beneficial effects of methamphetamine to users, there are very severe and sometimes detrimental effects associated with use. Some of the more commonly known effects include, meth mouth, meth sores, higher risk for Parkinson's disease, and the loss of pleasure in day to day activities. According to a study published in February of this year, meth users might have one more adverse effect to add to their list.

The study was able to find that the effects of meth use on cognitive abilities may actually be long term. Using test rats, the study showed that despite having the animals in periods of abstinence from the drug, the animals still were still showing difficulty in forming short term memories.

The findings are incredibly beneficial to medical professionals and rehabilitation facilities that deal with users, because therapy can now be geared towards not only short term recovery but long term recovery as well.


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